Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Forbes Annual "Whose Rich as Fuck" List

While me and my family struggled to make it thru the past year or so, many of my favorite rappers have been shitting out gold and wiping coke buggers with 50s. Heavy, no? Forbes released there annual "Whose rich as fuck" list, and the usual suspects are there. The list went a little something like this...
 #1 Jay-Z- Jigga man made over 63 million dollars, let his hair grow out a little, then cut it. Wonder why you were seeing Jay-Z in your dreams every night and you couldn't get him out of your head? That's because the label put 15 million into his marketing. Shit, with that kind of money, Ali Segel could be the next Nicki Minaj. The labels not tripping though. Nobodies tripping. Each show for the Blue Print 3 tour made over 1 million dollars. #whatthefuck?????

#2 Diddy- "its that dirty money" You god damn right it is Diddy, how the fuck did you make 30 million? Sneaky Sneaky. I don't have much to say about Diddy. He been making money since I was rocking Jason Kidds in '95. No, not whatever shoes your thinking about...theseeeee ones
Jason Kidds 1995- Get on my level
 #3 Akon is one lucky African. He has 8 wives and makes money off Lady Gaga all day. Cheers to you bro. It must be nice. Shit, I know its nice. 21 million? Yea that's nice. #strange
#4 Lil Wayne- Lil Wayne is a rockstar. Both white and black America love him. His talents are only a portion of his draw. He looks kinda funny, but women love him. All these facts point towards rockstar status. Oh yea, and his tour grossed over 500,000 a show. And that's with Drake on the sideline nursing a knee injury. 20 million? #longliveweezy
 #5 And then theres Dre. Dr. Dre that is. This dude gets it. Its not about being on TV every fucking day. Its not about being seen on the scene all the time. Its about paperwork. Dre got his papers right, so his paper's right. You feel me? I mean we all been waiting for Detox since Denzel was rumored to narrate the entire project. When was that, '04? Anyway Dre made alottttt of money from this headphones he sells. He also helps sell other products blah blah blah. But his real money, that consistent money, comes from his EP credits and royalties. When Eminem makes money, Dre makes money. When 50 cent makes money, Dre makes money. Its that simple. Dre eats, like a fucking lion, off some of the most critically acclaimed hip hop albums of all time.
But it wasn't always like this. That's why Dre had to leave Deathrow. Did you know that he hasn't seen any royalties from The Chronic since he left Death Row in 1996? That's why he sued the shit out of them earlier this year. Money turns a good thing BAD. 17 million last year ain't bad though. #strange 

Honorable Mentions
#11 Drake- 10 million
#14 Young Jeezy- 8 million
#18 Souljah Boy- 6 million
#20 Gucci Mane- 5 million

Read it yourself here Forbes Rap "Rich as fuck" List

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